Monday, March 3, 2008

Thinking Piece #4: Linda Christensen Reading

Linda Christensen: Unlearning the Myths That Blind Us


• "Secret Education"
• Dreams
• Respect
• Stereotype
• Different vs. Normal
• Literacy
• Styles
• Injustice
• Discovery

Authors Argument:

Christensen argues that there is "Secret Education" that is hiding in our everyday movies, magazines, texts, etc. that teach us how to act, live, and dream in our everyday lives.


1. "When we read children books, we aren't just reading cute little stories; we are discovering the tools with which a young society is manipulated" (126). Christensen is basically stating the truth by "Speaking the words" (as Delpit would say). Christensen is not denying that today our bedtime stories, movies, or magazines all encounter happy ending and roles that every race, sex, and society should be living up to.
2. Christensen supports this very idea by stating the example of the movie Popeye. "'Ali Baba and the forty thieves,’ that depicts all Arabs with the same face, same turban, and same body... Later, the forty thieves come riding through town stealing everything -- food, an old man's teeth, and numbers of the clock..." (130). this quote proves the point in which Christensen was trying to stress by her "secret education". Since Popeye was a white male he had to be the heroin, Olive Oyl had to be the damsel in distress, and the Arabs had to be all thieves. This is how we are now quick to judge a person that simply passes us in the street.
3. "Happiness means getting a man and transformation from wretched conditions can be achieved through consumption -- in their cases, through new clothes and new hairstyle" (133). Christensen again makes her point by pointing out the role that every girl/women has for her lifestyle and the idea comes none other than what was read or watched.


I felt that this article was very descriptive and got its points across. Although, I personally felt that Christensen used far too many examples each example she gave I never realized before. There were definitely a lot of uh huh moments that stroke me as surprising. I loved her strong points of views that were very similar to Delpit’s, because in many ways she just spoke her true words and true feelings and in the end they are all right. I can definitely say I want to live that American dream of a great husband that will support me and provide for me, but now I can take a stand and say I can honestly live my "Happily Ever After" ending without my prince.


Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

Princesses unite! You give great specific examples here, Giana. I can see this made you think.

LB :)